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So what is updated?

1.)  A blood center physician can manage donor blood pressure measurements outside the specified limits via phone or off-site consultation. 

2.)  Donors with a low pulse who are “healthy athletes” or have an irregular pulse, may donate without consultation of a responsible physician.   


As I begin to consider updating our standard operating procedures, let's start by defining a "healthy athlete" for the sake of blood donation.

Should our definition of athlete include physical attributes of strength, agility, endurance and speed? Mental traits of passion, discipline, competitiveness, focus and resilience? Or should we ask about commitment to training and improving of skills?


Imagine this conversation:


Blood Center: Thanks for coming to donate. Your pulse is 48. Are you a healthy athlete?


Donor (athletic type – fit, lean, and chiseled): Define athlete.


Blood Center: A person who is trained or skilled in exercises, sports, or games requiring physical strength, agility, or stamina.


Donor: No, I just like to run for exercise.


Blood Center: Do you compete in organized sporting events or physical activities?


Donor: Nope, like I said, I just like to run for exercise. I run 4-5 times a week, 2 miles a day since college.


Blood Center: Do you see yourself as a person with a natural aptitude for physical activities or sports?


Donor: Sometimes. I'm not a sports person but I like to run for exercise.


Blood Center: Unfortunately, you don't qualify as a healthy athlete today. But I think it is safe to donate.


Donor: Will I always be evaluated for a low pulse?


Blood Center: Yes… unless you increase your training and commitment to running.   Let us know if you’re thinking of running a marathon and then we might be able to change your status. 


Exercising Goodness

The term "healthy athlete" is about as clear as mud. Does it mean you have to be the next Usain Bolt or just someone who jogs to the fridge during commercial breaks? Personally, a low pulse donor who isn’t on high blood pressure medication but happens to have a zen personality and exercises goodness in the world meets my criteria.

So, next time you’re at the blood donation center, don’t be surprised if we ask you about your marathon plans. And if you’re not planning on running one, maybe just tell us you’re training for the “Couch to Fridge” 5K. After all, every drop counts!

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